About Koachee

Welcome to Koachee, an online coaching platform design to help you transform your life from anywhere in the world.

Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
[email protected]
+88 (0) 101 0000 000

Sandy Seeber-Quayle

Sandy Seeber-Quayle has over 20 years of experience in management or related roles in Sales, Operations, Business Development, and Training/Coaching. Over the years, she has delivered results for some of the largest companies in the world including Apple Inc., Aegon, and CNP Santander Insurance.  

Taking responsibility at an early age, being curious and analytical combined with a keen interest in organizational behavior and people development shaped Sandy to become an effective people manager.  

The blueprint for her success is the K.U.B.A. Pilot strategy. Know Yourself, Understand Others, Build Connections, and Align Decision – 4 coordinates that help every leader to stay in control to get the desired results.

Sandy lives in Ireland, speaks German and English, and holds diplomas in coaching and training as well as a Diploma in Organisational Behaviour from the Irish Management Institute. Prior to that, she graduated as an Insurance Specialist (Versicherungsfachwirt) 

Utilising people’s potential leads to win/win outcomes. People are playing to their strengths, feel understood and the results are easier achieved than with old school people management tools.

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